Is this glamorous, or what ? [ see....Phylis Diller Wig, Right ?]
Black Mondo is drama.
See how it is growing in this planter? If you were to have a large shallow planter ( round or rectangular), it will grow all the same height, and evenly. Do this in a planter on an outdoor cocktail, or dining table.....you will be quite pleased.
"Description: The ultimate Gothic grass - the black mondo is an evergreen perennial with shiny grass-like foliage forming small slow spreading clumps. The black leaves look fabulous in contrast to ferns and lighter green grasses. The white flowers appear in summer followed by dark black-blue fruit."
Native to: Korea
Hardiness: Full-half hardy
Sun: Full-partial sun
Soil: Any fertile well drained soil
Flower: Violet - white
Leaf: Black
Flowering period: June to August
Maintenance: The black leaves look fabulous in contrast to ferns and lighter green grasses.

Do you likie ??
growing bamboo 101 : http://www.bamboos.com/grow.html
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